Event: World Photographers Focus on Beijing 2013

May 22nd
Garden Expo Park
Evening Banquet

May 27th

Logs: Baby Lexi

Press: Invitation to Join World Photographers Focus on Beijing

Logs: Happy Chinese New Year 2013

Shooting unscheduled random Fireworks is like event photography on steroids. You don't really know where to mount exactly. 11:50pm Shot while standing on a 1sqm balcony not to mention the freezing -2 degrees weather but damn was it worth it. Cross processed & stitched 5 photographs. Happy Chinese New Year Everybody! 春节快乐!!

Logs: Lego

Exhibit: Blindness Exhibit

Preliminary Images for upcoming "Blindness" Exhibit


(Shot at Doudian, Bethel Foundation)

Exhibit: Mirth of the Islands Exhibit

2 of my images selected for the upcoming "Mirth of the Islands"


This photoexhibit will travel across China in the Years of Friendly Exchanges (YFE) in 2012-2013, which celebrate the centuries-old friendship and goodwill between the two nations.


Thank you Philippine Embassy Beijing and POP Beijing !


(Read More Below, Click on the Image for a larger view)


Shot at Anguib Beach, Cagayan Philippines
Shot at Anguib Beach, Cagayan Philippines
Shot at Sagada Philippines
Shot at Sagada Philippines

MIRTH OF THE ISLANDS: : A Photoexhibit on the Philippines


This is a collection of 30 photographs taken by the Pinoy Overseas Photographers (POP) Beijing during a trip to Samar and Leyte, two provinces located in the central part of the Philippines which face the Pacific Ocean.

The photographs reflect the sentiments, pastimes, joys and values of the Filipino people in the whole Philippine archipelago, which has a total coastline of 36,289 kilometers and encompasses over 7,100 islands.   

This photoexhibit will travel across China in the Years of Friendly Exchanges (YFE) in 2012-2013, which celebrate the centuries-old friendship and goodwill between the two nations.

The images convey to the Chinese people the warm, friendly spirit of the Filipino people, and highlight the fact that Filipinos and the Chinese share an important cultural affinity: they both place a high premium on harmony with family, community and nature.  

The theme also dovetails with the new campaign of the Philippines’ Department of Tourism, “It’s More Fun in the Philippines.”









Logs: Its More Fun In The Philippines

Inspired by DOT's new slogan to boost tourism in the Philippines. 
Here's my take on this awesome campaign.


Its More Fun In The Philippines
Baguio City
Its More Fun In The Philippines
Its More Fun In The Philippines

Logs: Abstract Stuff