A look into the principles of Niximalism

Niximalism's Design Philosophy incorporates the principles of minimalism & the ergonomics of interior design. It is a scientific way of organizing the tangible life in your environment.


It teaches you the ability to focus on the liberation of limitation, improved comfort and quality of life by minimizing the material while maximizing the space around you.


Why Niximalism?


We are overwhelmed with more information & product consumption options than we can use which we forget the most basic laws of Physics. Anything that has mass occupies space therefore the bigger the mass, the larger the environment it requires. 


The reasons for lack of foresight includes the increasing speed of life, the increasing information intensity, product variety, abundance, and our changing shopping and consumption habits.


We consume more, work harder and try to learn more. We consume more without even knowing what, where, why & how. Everything else is offered to us was more than now but this did not make us happier but we live to be happy, so there is something wrong. While doing all these things; life goes on and we are constantly trying to catch up on things without having to live.  But life is beautiful when you can enjoy your main focus without feeling deprived.


To be a Niximalist, is to take your time for the logical things in life. What is said here is that people have a hard time identifying things that are worth spending their time and energy. Being a niximaist is not difficult; it requires you to be aware of what your actions that are commonly basic.


No book can educate you to understand the meaning of a balanced life. However, you can determine what you should be doing by following people who are happy in their lives. Your life will be better as you become more aware of yourself and the more you understand the value of your time.


Being a niximalist right now is more important than ever because the obstacles we face in society require us to adapt. To pursue your dreams, you need to focus incredibly, and you need to take the time to exercise and read in order to protect both your mind and your health. Moreover, you need to take the time to have loving relationships and develop your skill of understanding.


The most fundamental principle of Niximalism is logic & the balanced use of our basic senes which we always tend to forget. Seeing, Smelling, Hearing, Tasting & Feeling. 


Once you adopt niximalism, you need to realize that we can easily keep the beauty of the world in our hands without the fear of missing out. This starts with your help to analyze your actions and how these actions affect your life and those around you and require answering common questions.


Instead of feeling sad when you realize how much inefficient time you spend, view this as a great opportunity to make your life more fun. When you focus on bringing logic to your life, what you can achieve is quite surprising.


The most fundamental principle of Niximalism is logic & the balanced use of our basic senes which we always tend to forget. Seeing, Smelling, Hearing, Tasting & Feeling. 


 Earth has already given us the exact formula on what to do by using the Golden Ratio as a basis of everything balanced. This mathematical ratio is commonly found in nature, and when used in a design, it fosters organic and natural-looking compositions that are aesthetically pleasing to the eye.


Once you adopt niximalism, you need to realize that we can easily keep the beauty of the world in our hands without the fear of missing out. This starts with your help to analyze your actions and how these actions affect your life and those around you and require answering common questions.


Instead of feeling sad when you realize how much inefficient time you spend, view this as a great opportunity to make your life more fun. When you focus on bringing logic to your life, what you can achieve is quite surprising.


Here are some reasons why being a niximalist is the best decision you can make in your life:


Less stressful. Just focus on what’s important when you have less to worry about; so your thoughts become less complicated.


A healthier body, Niximalists know that it is important to focus on maintaining the shape of their bodies, no matter who they are.

A smarter mind. Instead of filling your brain with unnecessary emotional & spiritual considerations, you can perform better with a good diet and a sense of accomplishment.


To be incredibly insightful. If we understand what we need as a human being and what makes us happy, niximalists are  people who look at people from a practical angle and separate their feelings from what is dispensable. 


To know the value of what is happening in the world, niximalists think that one of the best feelings in the world is to help people; therefore, they spend a considerable amount of time to improve the people around them.


Always smile. Enjoying everything of what life has to offer, helping people discover their potential and giving back to society in many ways makes everyone smile.


Niximalism helps you find things that make life better and understand their values. Moreover, it invites almost everyone to think that the world can change in a good way. As a result, you know how important you are to the world.


You don’t need to scared of tangible things. Those things should be afraid of you.